20 RESOLUTIONS FOR 2020! [Part 2]

If you read Part 1 of this post, you know that I'm trying really hard to wake up before 6:30 am. I'll be honest with you, I'm struggling. And the winter isn't making it any easier. The warm blankets are very tempting even if they are accompanied by a wriggling, kicking tiny human who doesn't … Continue reading 20 RESOLUTIONS FOR 2020! [Part 2]

20 Resolutions for 2020! Part 1

Sounds ambitious, right? But what is life without ambition? With no ambition, I might as well be a Golden Labrador! For as long as I can remember, I have always made a list of New Year's Resolutions. There is something about the new year that fills me with hope and optimism! Something about a fresh … Continue reading 20 Resolutions for 2020! Part 1